Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Visitor, Epilogue

Here she is, Zoey. She just left in a truck with her owner's son-in-law, Peter Prescott (not that Peter Prescott)

Last night I posted a found animal report on the local humane society Lost & Found blog. This morning I sent in a photo for them to post with my listing. A few minutes ago I checked the page to see if the photo had posted yet. It had, but to a lost animal report. The lost animal report that her owners had phoned in.

Technology proved helpful in this instance but not as quickly and easily as it did in that commercial for some smart phone or other.

So Zoey has gone home (she now lives not far from here on what we in these parts call the Lower Road. Pete, Fay and I live on the Upper Road)

I have to say that she is so much more polite and better behaved than a certain blob named Fay, who made my life more difficult by trying to get herself beaten up with her surliness and inhospitality.

What a load off! I'm gonna go eat something really good now. NACHOS!!!!

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