Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What Time Is It?

Bloggin'. Why, it's 3:18 AM. How strange. Why am I blogging right now? Probably because I just got back from an emergency trip to the Vet.

Fay came crashing down with drooling, gas, nausea and diarrhea at around midnight. I waited a little to see how she'd do but she was clearly feeling so lousy I just took her in. It could be so many things (a reaction to one of her medications, compromised immunity etc.) that I thought it would be good to just take care of it.

She's feeling ton's better now. She even wants food again. They gave her a camel hump (subcutaneous fluids) to treat dehydration and an anti nausea drug. Now she's snoring.

Soon I will be too - in a sleeping bag on the kitchen floor. And I was really good and got myself into bed around 11PM. I had good intentions.

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