Friday, December 28, 2007

Complainy Gutteral Noises

I shouldn't be blogging. I have responsibilities!

Up theirs!

In case you're wondering, Fay's doing crappily. Her legs are weaker and her new medication gave her the dreaded bloody D. Of course this happened the day her neurologist went on Christmas break. By sheer luck I got to talk to her anyway (the neurologist) so we were able to get a prescription for the antidote med.

The antidote med is another med that is used in humans, this time to reduce cholesterol. It is an orange flavored powder and Fay HATES it.

I have tried everything I can think of to get her to take it. First we tried a banana shake. Then tuna, yogurt, hot dogs, Spaghettios, chicken, hamburger and now finally liver. I have spent most of today boiling chicken, hamburger and rice and frying chicken livers.

In the shot above you can see Fay driven to distraction by the smell of frying chicken livers to the point at which she will touch her peanut butter-filled kong (she's been off the kong all week too) Beside her is a bowl of the dreaded medicine mixed in with Spaghettios, tuna and hot dog chunks. She's also wearing the harness to her wheelchair.

Everything we've tried has worked a bit in the beginning. But she has to take so much of it! I don't think I've managed to get her to swallow a whole dose.

It's been worrisome. Why wasn't I a pharmacist? Then I'd know how this med works and what happens if she doesn't take the whole dose. As it is I just do my best. That rotten side-effect has minimized (I hesitate to say it's gone) so I guess it's going okay.

But also bad is the loss of use of her back legs. Let's just say it can be messy and she needs frequent baths.

She's kind of off her feed a bit too. I don't know if she feels bad from medication or from being asked to eat all this weird food or if she would rather just eat the weird food without the medicine than eat her regular food.

Tomorrow's the last day of the antidote med, thank heaven. I'm hoping that when that's over she'll start feeling normal again and just get back to her regular eating habits. Then I wouldn't mind the back leg thing as much.

The travel, the time changes, the bizarre diet - it would throw anyone off.

Ugh! Grunt! Urg!

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